Manage Samba4 Active Directory Infrastructure from Windows10 via RSAT

Step 1: Join Windows 10 into Realm

- First, make sure that your Windows 10 workstation has the correct Samba4 DNS IP address configured in order to query the proper realm resolver. . Open RUN : type ncpa.cpl , Ethernet card - Properties - IPv4 - Properties and set static IP . Here, is the IP Address of Samba4 AD Domain Controller responsible for DNS resolution - Finally, join the domain by opening System Properties - Change - Member of Domain, write your domain name, hit OK, enter your domain administrative account credentials and hit OK again. . After restart, hit on Other user and logon to Windows with a Samba4 domain account with administrative privileges and you should be ready to move to the next step. Step 2: Administer Samba4 AD DC with RSAT . Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT), which will be further used to administer Samba4 Active Directory, can be downloaded from the following links, depending on your Windows version: For Windows 10 X 64: For windows 7 X64 :

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